Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Spring Clean Your Digital Marketing Strategy – A Checklist of Things to Do

It’s been a while since you last did a thorough check-up on your digital marketing strategy. It’s time to get back on track, isn’t it? A good strategy is the backbone of any successful digital marketing campaign. 

If you’ve been following the same set of strategies, content, and tactics for quite some time now, it’s time for an overhaul. How? By getting your strategy checked from top to bottom. Here’s a checklist of things you should do to refresh your digital marketing strategy.

Redefine Your Digital Marketing Strategy

You’ve probably been slowly making your way towards a new strategy, right? So, the first thing you need to do is define your strategy. What is your digital marketing strategy? Dig a little deeper. Ask yourself hard questions about your strategy. Like, for example: 

What are your goals for your digital marketing strategy? 

What are your short-term objectives? 

What are your long-term goals?  

If you’ve been using digital marketing strategies without a clear definition of what they are, things could have gotten out of hand. Why? Because without such a definition, your strategy will range from ineffective to nonexistent.

Assess Current Performance

Have you measured your current performance? If not, why not? Now’s the time to start. What metrics do you currently have in place to track your campaign performance? Some examples include, but are not limited to: website traffic, conversion rates, social media follower stats, and organic keywords. Then, figure out how you can start measuring even more.

Develop a Clear List of Metrics

This is one step that a lot of digital marketers find extremely helpful. Why? Because it will give you a clear idea of how your current strategy is performing. If you’re just getting started with your metrics, it may also be helpful for you to create a list of metrics for your campaign. For example, you can create a list of metrics for your blog post, including the number of readers, Google rankings, and Facebook engagement.

Set SMART Goals

While developing a clear list of metrics can help you define your digital marketing strategy, it can’t help you define your strategy without goals. What are your goals for your digital marketing strategy? Now that you’ve defined your strategy, it’s time to put it into action. SMART goals include a list of objectives that are Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. 

Incorporate User Personas

Defining your digital marketing strategy is one thing, but you have to connect it with the right content and the right audience to make it work. It can only be done by understanding your user persona. What is a user persona? A user persona is a personification of the different types of users you can engage with. What types of users are these? They include but are not limited to prospects, decision-makers, influencers, and customers. This will help you identify the type of content that can appeal to each of these user types.

Update your Content Marketing Strategy

If you’ve been doing the same old content marketing strategy, it’s time to update. It’s a fact that the digital marketing world is constantly evolving. So, if you haven’t been continuously updating your content marketing strategy, it could be time to do so. While it’s essential to stay up-to-date with your digital marketing strategy, you mustn’t stay static in the digital marketing space. What do I mean? By staying static in the digital marketing space, what I mean is that you don’t become a victim to the latest digital marketing buzzwords. Instead, you need to be mindful of your strategy and its relation to the current digital marketing landscape.

Cultivate an Ongoing Editorial Process

It’s essential to have a robust editorial process to deliver consistent, quality content. It can make all the difference in your digital marketing strategy. What is an editorial process? An editorial process is the set of steps that you take to turn your blog posts into high-quality content. In other words: It’s the set of steps you take to make your content. What are these steps? There are many, but here are just a few: 

Your blog post ideas should always 

  • be generating an idea, not a finished product.
  • be clear and concise as to what you want to achieve. 
  • have a clear roadmap to the end goal.
  • have a clear call-to-action.


Digital marketing strategies are constantly evolving. You must check your strategy from time to time and make any necessary adjustments. If you want to stay on top of the latest digital marketing strategies, you need to check your strategy from time to time and make any necessary adjustments. 

Here are some guidelines to help you refresh your digital marketing strategy:  

  • Define your digital marketing strategy
  • Assess current performance 
  • Develop a clear list of metrics 
  • Set SMART Goals 
  • Incorporate User Personas 
  • Update your content marketing strategy 
  • Cultivate an ongoing editorial process

Do you need more help with your digital marketing strategy? We have many free and paid solutions from which you can choose. Book a call with us today!


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