Gymnastics Marketing

How To Create a CUSTOM Monthly Social Media Calendar for Your Gymnastics Gym

Creating a social media calendar for your gymnastics gym can feel like a daunting task… but it doesn’t have to. We’re going to outline everything you need to know to create a perfect, customized social media plan for your gymnastics club.


#1: Map Out Your ‘5 Buckets’

We first start by thinking about ‘what are the five buckets we want to talk about’. Here are some examples:

  • Testimonials: You likely have some great students and parents who would love to share positive experiences about your gym. Try and ask for these testimonials (either written or on video) whenever you can so you can share for months to come!
  • Your Gym and Facility: here you can talk about where your gym is located and the great facility you offer for your students. A visual (photo or video) is very helpful to give parents and students an idea of what your gym looks like
  • Events: what events do you have coming up that you could talk about to your audience?
    Your Services: do you have camps coming up? Fall enrollment? What can you tell your audience about what you have coming up that would be of interest to their children.
  • Kids in action: we see a lot of gyms posting GREAT content on their social media of kids in action. Plan these posts within your social media content calendar. Here are some ideas: kids in action, achieving goals, competitions, training.

#2: Create A Spreadsheet ‘Marketing Map’

Start my outlining the next 1-3 months of your social content ahead of time. This will allow you to get creative and intentional about what you’re posting.

We have a done-for-you marketing map that you can duplicate and use for your gymnastics gym. On the menu of this marketing map you can outline what your 5 buckets are that you determined in #1. Watch this video to see how to use the marketing map.

#3: Sign Up For Automation Software

We recommend signing up for a social media posting software. This will allow you to plan 1-3 months in advance and schedule your posts so that they are automatically posted. No need to post manually every day!

We recommend Hootsuite or Later. They both have free versions available to you.
NOTE: scroll down and under the pricing there’s a spot to sign up for the free plan “Try our limited Free plan”


Helpful Links:



*note: scroll down and under the pricing there’s a spot to sign up for the free plan “Try our limited Free plan”


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