What Is Your Customers “Why”?

What is your customers “why”? And how do you apply that in your marketing?

As a gymnastics club, you hold a specific place in your community, offering parents something very important to them. A chance for their kids to not only be physically active but also make friends, grow their confidence, and inspire them to reach new heights. 

When you are coming up with your marketing strategy, are you considering WHY someone would go with your gym vs. another? Is it because of a great deal you have going on or rather, what you offer their children that set you apart? The key to any marketing strategy is not just the “hook” or special offer you have going on (as much as that can strike an interest in people), but rather if you can solve their problems and understand their “why”. 


Understand who you are speaking to:

For a gymnastics club, who is your target audience really? It isn’t the kids that come into your gym and who you train with every day, it is their parents. Their parents are ultimately going to be the ones who decide whether or not to enroll their child in your programs or not. The parents are who you need to be talking to in your ads and understanding what their “why” is vs. what the child’s “why” is. 


What is their “why”?

All any parent wants is the best for their children; Being physically active, growing as a person, and learning life-long skills through gymnastics offers kids a chance to be their best. So the goal of your marketing is to show how your gym can achieve that. 


How to apply that in marketing?

Whenever writing copy for a client, we need to understand what the gym’s “why” is before we can really collaborate on a way to write their ad. Something like a slogan or mission statement can portray what is important to a gym. And finding a way to tie that into your copy and make all the difference in hitting your customer’s “why” point. 

Each ad you come up with will have a different call to action or something you are trying to get your potential customers to do. Whether you are trying to get more leads by having people fill out a lead form ad on Facebook, or you are trying to gain engagement to your Facebook page or website so you run a traffic or engagement campaign; You need to find a way to not only show your promotion and strike that interest in even seeing what you have to say in the first place but also make sure you are targeting your audience’s “why”. 

The key to any great marketing campaign is finding a way to relate to your audience, figuring out what is most important to them, and tying that into your copywriting. 

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