Social Media Hacks with Larry Kim


I recently travelled to Boston to the annual Inbound 2015 conference; the world's most remarkable Marketing and Sales conference. As promised here is some Social Media Hacks by the one and only Larry Kim.

With the focus of SEO being around brand marketing rather than website marketing I think that done right therein a legitimate place for SEO, sorry @larrykim 😉

What Larry brings to the table is an essential part of todays SEO of creating social content that has high engagement rate from using micro budget campaigns from cherry picked posts/ads.

The goal is high quality/relevance scores, the journey is how to achieve those scores.They driver here seems to be, as we all understand, creating exceptional content rather than ad spending the ass out of every post/ad.

With this as the foundation there is a significant amount of refinement on the selected best posts being promoted by working with the demographic targeting of the likes of custom audiences in FB through to understanding your remarking strategies for that post and its relative outcome.

Remarking can be a good way to add a second layer if you like, on promoting posts where the first layer is general engagement and the remarking layer can be used for hard engagement such as Sign up, Buy, Download etc..

Interestingly enough, and coming back to the SEO of 2015, utilising the hacks that Larry presented will help you with quality/relevance scores and engagement which if in turn amplifies the social signals of your brand.

The positive spinoff from this will likely result in your commercial website being more prominent in organic search can be impacted because your brand is growing in social reputation and brand engagement.

Thanks Larry, it was great meeting you!


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