The No-Nonsense 3-Step Solution to Unstick Your Gymnastics Club

Hey there, gymnastics gym owners! If you’re here, you probably feel like your gym might be a little stuck. Think of it as being caught in quicksand but with a hand that’s ready to pull you out. Worry not because we’re here with a straightforward guide to get your gym growing again, and it’s easier than you might think!

Step One: Pay Your Coaches More (Yes, Really!)

Let’s chat about something that might make you a little uneasy: paying your coaches more. It might seem daunting, especially if the budget is already tight, but think of it as an investment in your gym’s future. Higher wages can actually save you money in the long run by retaining fantastic coaches and attracting passionate and experienced ones.

Imagine you’re paying coaches $15/hour. With a class of 8 students at $80/month, you’re bringing in $640 per class. After paying the coach $15 for a one-hour class, that leaves you with a $580 profit (minus other expenses like rent and utilities). But what happens when you bump that pay to $20/hour? Your coaching costs rise, but you’ll also attract better coaches who’ll make your gym more appealing to parents. The cost of each class will be slightly higher, but with happier, more qualified coaches, you’ll retain more students and fill your classes faster.

Step Two: Raise Your Prices (Don’t Hit the Panic Button)

Now, onto the next part: raising your prices. It might sound scary, but your gym offers valuable services, and parents are willing to invest in quality training.

Let’s do the numbers: If you’re currently charging $80 per month and raise it to $90, you’re increasing your revenue per class by $80 overall (with 8 students). That extra margin can help cover the increased staff wages. Yes, you might lose a few students, but those on your waiting list will jump at the chance to join, especially with your improved coaching team.

Step Three: Market Your Gym Like a Seasoned Pro

With happy coaches and updated pricing, it’s time to let everyone know how awesome your gym is! Marketing is where your gym’s true potential shines. If people don’t hear about your fantastic programs, they won’t know to join. Utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads to build your gym’s visibility.

Smart, consistent marketing will help you build a steady stream of excited new students, making your gym the talk of the town.

Case Study Time: Real Success, Real Results

Let’s look at a real-life example: One of our clients was in a similar situation, paying their instructors $15/hour and charging $80 per class with around 450 kids enrolled. They now pay over $20/hour, have 1,000 kids, and charge $180 per class. They followed these three simple steps.

Yes, they did lose a few kids when prices went up, but with constant demand and strategic marketing, they kept thriving. They went from getting by to owning and renovating their building, with $1.8 million in annual revenue. It’s not a magic trick; it’s a solid, proven strategy.

Wanna See Your Gym Thrive?

If you’re ready to unstick your gym and see it flourish, let’s get started. Schedule a 100% free 45-minute enrollment growth call with our gymnastics marketing digital strategist. We’ll help turn your gym from simply surviving to truly thriving. Click here to book your call today.

Remember, this isn’t just advice; it’s your game plan for success. Let’s make your gym the best it can be!

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