“A brand is everything you are in the eyes of your customers”
The topic around brand and branding is complex and can be confusing at times. It seems like a simple concept, but how well do you know what your brand is and moreover how do your customers perceive it in this competitive market place? It is therefore important to know exactly what your brand is because if you are unsure about it, so are your customers. This post will give you some 1 on 1 advice on how to understand and positively control your brand.
There are many misconceptions around what a brand is, which can lead to a poor brand. If a brand is “everything you are in the eyes of your customers” then what does that mean? Quite simply, it means that every interaction you have with a customer is a part of your brand.
Oftentimes your brand, while strategically directed, is a result of the perception your customers create about you. From your logo, to your company culture through to your customer service and product quality, every touch point your customers have with your company defines your brand.
What are some brands that have mastered their overall branding, truly know who they are and hence are able to communicate properly with their customers?
Let’s look at Coca Cola as an example, I associate it with the Jack Daniels and Coke, BBQ with friends, summer feelings, and in general, a positive experience. Generally I don’t even drink Coke but hey that’s what good branding is right? I still love it, and that’s where they get you.
I believe the goal of every brand is it, to connect with you on an emotional level. Would you agree? What are your associations with this brand?
So How Does The Relate To Your Business
Every touch point your customers have with your company defines your brand, understanding that you have control over these experiences is a critical component of building a great brand. Ensure that every touch point a customer has with your company is strategically geared around being a happy experience for that customer. Do this and you will be well on your way to creating a strong brand for your company. My personal favorite advice is it to have philosophies at the work place that reinforce your every day “doings”, Print them out and hang them on the wall (it works wonders, promise)
“What is the best we can do for our customers and is what we have done the best we can do”