Right now social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools any business can use for their own marketing efforts. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Google+ or anything in between it is important to use images for supporting material to really get the right message to your customers. Creating your own images can be challenging at times, in particular, dimensions and design for each social platform. This post will give you the ins and about social media graphic and introduce you an amazing tool we swear by!
We live in the age of the “everyone is a photographer” and with more than 2.5 billion camera phones in use we are entering a new dynamic era around image creation and content. So why is it important that you use images for your social media marketing? Quite simply, we tend to give more attention to images rather than long text and written content. A recent study from skyword has revealed that blogpost with images receive 94% more views than those without any images. Engagement rate on Facebook for photos averages 0.37% where text only is 0.27%, this translates to a 37% higher level of engagement for photos over text (Source Jeff Bullas)
Using images will help you to stand out from the crowd especially if the images are interesting, look professional and overall help you to bring a clear message to your audiences.
Let me introduce to you Pablo, an amazing tool to create Social Media Images easily. Pablo, https://pablo.buffer.com/ is a free tool which will help you make engaging & professional social media posts and you don’t need to be a graphic designer to learn how to use it. With access to over 50,000 royalty free photos and instant sizing for the different Social Media sizes Pablo will have you turning out amazing social media post images for every post. Try Pablo today BTW, the header image used in this post was made with Pablo & took 5 minutes to create.
Head over to: https://pablo.buffer.com and click the “start Pablo it’s free” button. The best thing about Pablo is, that you don’t have to be a graphic designer to easily create beautiful images within minutes. You are able to search a library of 50,000+ royalty-free photos and find the right image for your post with the perfect size and format for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest. It is very self explanatory and I recommend to just head over to the site and have a little play with it yourself. I bet by the end of today you can call yourself a self-made Image Creation Genius (um yep I just said that).
So tell your friends, family and colleagues about this amazing tool, you can take the fame on you we won’t judge you 😉